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Webinar 1 - We Are Fight Club
UK Fight Club's 1st Webinar Key Note Speaker Sebastian Bae.
— "What do you all fear? Truly think about it for a moment."
He provides the group inspirational comments on the importance of wargaming and exercising the mind. He emphasizes that we should not be afraid to fail, and in fact, encourages we push ourselves to failure to learn and improve.
Short bio:
Sebastian J. Bae is an adjunct assistant professor at the Center for Security Studies at Georgetown University. He teaches a graduate course, Basics of Wargaming, where student teams research and design educational wargames. He also serves as the Co-Chair of the Military Operations Research Society (MORS) Wargaming Community of Practice (CoP). His professional work focuses on wargaming, emerging technologies, future warfighting concepts, and strategy and doctrine for the U.S. Army and Marine Corps. Previously, he served six years in the Marine Corps infantry, leaving as a Sergeant. He deployed to Iraq in 2009. His writings have been published in Foreign Policy, War on the Rocks, Strategy Bridge, Task & Purpose, the Diplomat, and Georgetown Security Studies Review.
Fight Club hosts for the Webinar were Alexander Willemen and Andrew Elliott
Other Guest Speakers:
Paul Strong and Stephen Ho from Dstl on "A (very) Brief History of Wargaming
Nev MacMillan from NSC on "Lessons from Unit Based Virtual Training"
Oli Elliott and Gregor Deeming on the use of Fight Club games (Combat Mission Shock Force 2 and VBS3)
Dave Allen discusses wargaming and the value of Red Teaming/Red Force thinking in the greyzone
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